
KarateKid Classes

Ages 8 to 12

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday From: 4:00 – 6:00pm

This class teaches students the basics of karate. Students will learn basic karate practices such as the use of proper stances and basic punching, kicking and blocking techniques.

Cost: $30/Month

Teen Classes

Ages 13 to 17

Monday, Wednesday and Friday From: 6:00 – 9:00pm

This Classes taches higher level skills theen those included in the kids class and will build upon the basic principles of karate.

Cost: $40/Month

Adult Classes

Ages 18 and up

Tuesday and Thursday From: 6:00 – 9:00pm

This class teaches the advance techniques of karate. Students will build upon previous principles they have learned and will have the chance to compete in competitions

Cost: $40/Month